Light Wheat Biscuit Mix
>> Friday, April 30, 2010
I love the convenience of having a mix on hand, but do not like all the added preservatives that come with such a mix. Also, I try to use whole wheat flour as often as possible. So I went on a quest for a homemade biscuit mix that incorporated whole wheat flour, and I found one on the Hillbilly Housewife website. This mix can be used in any recipe that calls for biscuit mix or bisquick (the brand name). I keep mine in the refrigerator, and it should keep for 3-6 months in there, although it's never around that long in this house!
Light Wheat Biscuit Mix
5 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
4 cups whole wheat flour
1-1/2 tablespoons salt
4 tablespoons baking powder
2 cups solid vegetable shortening (see note below)
1. Measure your flours into a LARGE bowl. Add the salt and baking powder. Mix it all up with your hands.
2. After the salt and baking powder are evenly distributed throughout the flour, add the shortening. Using your hands, mash the flour and fat together until the entire mix is light and crumbly. Try not to overmix. You will want small lumps to remain (about the size of peas or dried beans).
3. Transfer the biscuit mix to a resealable container. You should have about 10-1/2 cups of biscuit mix. (I store mine in a small cereal container)
Note: I read up a bit on coconut oil, and learned that i can be substituted for shortening in any recipe. Of course, I read this AFTER I bought the shortening to make a batch of biscuit mix, so I will just have to wait until next time to try it out.ENJOY!

This is a really great idea! Now when you use it, how much liquid do you add? And is there an egg or something?
i use the recipes that i got off the bisquick box for biscuits and pancakes. the recipes are available on the bisquick website.
i did take the time to type them all up awhile back so i don't have to constantly go back to the website. i can't figure out how to upload that file on the blog, otherwise i would definitely share!
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