Cheesy Potato Soup
>> Wednesday, September 22, 2010
This is my very favorite soup. I think it is better than any soup I have ever had - seriously. It is perfect for Fall and Winter! (It is also perfect for pretending like it is Fall or Winter!) It is also easy - I usually only need to get Velveeta in order to make this - simple ingredients with amazing taste!
3 Cups diced raw potatoes
1 1/2 Cups Water
3/4 Cup diced celery
3/4 Cup diced carrots
1 can corn, drained (optional)
1 TBS dry minced onion (or 1/4 Cup diced onion)
1 tsp parsley flakes
1 tsp garlic powder
Salt & Pepper to taste
1 can Cream of Chicken soup
2 Cups Milk
8 oz. Velveeta
3 Cups diced raw potatoes
1 1/2 Cups Water
3/4 Cup diced celery
3/4 Cup diced carrots
1 can corn, drained (optional)
1 TBS dry minced onion (or 1/4 Cup diced onion)
1 tsp parsley flakes
1 tsp garlic powder
Salt & Pepper to taste
1 can Cream of Chicken soup
2 Cups Milk
8 oz. Velveeta

Combine potatoes, water, celery, carrots, onion, parsley flakes, and S&P in a large pot. Cook on low heat - simmering until all are tender. Stir in can of soup, milk, corn, and Velveeta. Heat and stir frequently until cheese melts. Serve.
Combine potatoes, water, celery, carrots, onion, parsley flakes, and S&P in a large pot. Cook on low heat - simmering until all are tender. Stir in can of soup, milk, corn, and Velveeta. Heat and stir frequently until cheese melts. Serve.

*I don't think it is possible for something to be "too cheesy" so I double the Velveeta and use the whole little 16 oz. cube. It's awesome.
*I have used both red and russet potatoes in the past and both work great.
*Fresh & Easy sells a little tub of "stew vegetables" with carrots, celery and onion already diced up. I just used that little tub and took out half the onion so it wasn't too onion-y.
*Crackers, goldfish, crumbled bacon, or shredded cheese make great toppings.
*I have also made this into a freezer meal in the past. What I do is put the potatoes, vegetables and seasonings in a freezer bag and freeze. If I buy a huge log of Velveeta I will cut a piece of that and freeze it as well. Then the day I make the soup I just take out the vegetables (already diced = saved time) and the cheese, let them thaw, then all I need to have ready is the water, milk and can of soup.
*I haven't tried this, but I bet frozen cubed hashbrown potatoes would work just as well. Why not? If somebody tries that, or has in the past with soups, let me know how it turns out. (I REALLY hate peeling potatoes)
thanks! totally gonna try this- I have a cheese soup recpe I LOVE but this is so simple and if it's good- sold! love it! thanks!
I made this the other night, AMAZING!!! It was so delish! Thanks for the recipe, I'll definitally be adding this to my monthly meals.
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